One blog to rule them all
One blog to find them
One blog to bring them all
and on the internets bind them.

TECH: Technology, Software and All Things I.T.

What is Information? And What are ITs Metaphysical Consequences?

The answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything, according to Douglas Adams’ science fiction work “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” is “42.” In the story, after a supercomputer named Deep Thought computes for 7.5 million years to determine the answer to the ultimate question, it comes up with the seemingly arbitrary number 42, highlighting the absurdity and complexity of such a quest.

FAMILY: Parenting with Love, Humor and the Gospel

Husbands, Praise Your Wife!

A couple had been married for 50 years, and one day, the wife turned to her husband and said, “You know, we’ve been married for so long, but you never tell me that you love me. Why is that?” The husband looked at her and said, “Well, I told you I loved you on our …

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Feed Fosters – Breakfast with Santa

For the week of October 17-22, 2022, my wife and I are excited to participate in a book drive and fundraiser to benefit local foster children!

A Reading List for 2022

In my post on New Year’s Resolutions this past Monday, I included a section on reading.

FAITH: Reforming All of Life

When Faith Runs Deeper: The Church as Our True Family

In 2019, I led my family to leave our church of 14 years – a church in which I had served as the worship leader for 13 years. I wrote about the experience and the rending experience. Concerning our relationship with our blood relatives and church family, I wrote: They say that blood is thicker than …

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The Wilderness, The Serpent, and Our Savior: A Lenten Journey

Sermon Text: Numbers 21:4-9 As we gather this evening, amid the reflective season of Lent, our attention is drawn to a remarkable narrative found in the book of Numbers—a narrative that recounts the final chapters of the Israelites’ 40-year sojourn in the wilderness.

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